adtech tokyo

October 4th-5th,
2018 @ Tokyo International Forum
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2018/10/4 [16:05 - 16:55]

One Day PASS(10/4) Full Conference PASS VIP PASS

E-4 Data strategies for marketing for the digital era

The data strategy of the enterprise is approaching the "Daata Strategy 2.0" aspect.

The DMP has completed a round, and also the data service of each major platformer is being developed.
In addition,the Personal Information Protection Law and the GDPR's assessment of influence have fallen
by one point, and the judgment materials have been prepared.

On the other hand, what are the data challenges faced by teams and organizations that have promoted
digital marketing in the past few years?

For exsample,
The difficulty in designing utilization of data after data collection?
Small success with small data that tends to be in shrinkage equilibrium?
The difficulty of case study in utilizing cross-organizational?
Or the lack of exit strategies using data?

Still we have continues a lot of challenges such as Shifting marketing budgets
from mass media to digital media with changing KPIs, Providing new service
for our customers with collaboration between cross-sectional team and improved
data literacy within the company

Thus, our challenges achieved steady results and are driving force for further challenge.

In this session, data specialists of various business domains gather, and the enterprise
maximizes data value again so, from a corporate management perspective,
"Can data satisfy the marketing utilization strategy?" will be discussed.
