One of founders of Netyear Group. A member of the board. Division Manager of Omnichannel Cloud. His career started at McCann Interactive, an interactive team of McCann Erickson New York in 1994. Since then, has long and intensive experience in interactive marketing, CRM and e-business fields. Produced avex eCRM project, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Web site, Suntory's wine e-commerce site, and other e-businesses. Consulted KDDI, Zurich Life Insurance, Canon, Mitsubishi Electric, Tepco and many other major companies for their Internet marketing strategies. As an entrepreneur, also founded a venture company for the Japan's first social networking service.Contributor to major business magazines and speaker at Japan Marketing Association. Author of the best seller book, “GE no subete (All about GE)". Achieved MBA at Baruch College, City University of New York and BA at Gakushuin University. Fluent in English.