Noboru Gunji
Cocokara Fine OEC Inc.

1999 Land inc. establishment.CEO. And it was franchise contract Seijo inc.(current Cocokara Fine Inc.). 2007 Seijo inc. joined. Dispensing pharmacy Division Chief.→Business management section chief. 2010 Cocokara Fine HD inc. and Allied Hearts HD inc. has become Cocokara Fine and management integration. Business management section chief. March 2011, The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. I was a disaster medical assistance as a pharmacist. 2013 Cocokara Fine OEC Inc. establishment.President. 2014 Omni channel project leader. 2015 In conjunction with the Japan Post Co., Ltd. , it was opened a drugstore . Our management philosophy is " to contribute to the community by pursuing the health of the people of the mind and body." We will build a health care network . Anytime , anywhere , anyone in order to be connected to Cokokara fine .


[B-4] What Consumer Want in 2016? Connected Commerce World