adtech tokyo

1st - 2nd, November 2021

@ Tokyo International Forum+ Online

Contact Us
Haruna Mishima 2
Adobe K.K.

Worked as a web producer at two major EC sites for about 10 years. (ex-Amazon, ex-Rakuten)
Engaged in digital strategy proposals and organizational transformation support for executives.
Uses her EC background to provide on-site support to retail businesses and produce workshops related to digital marketing.
1) Enhance digital strategy & change org management 
lead the marketing strategy & change management for a retail company as a partner.
2) Propose a digital marketing strategy for a major financial company
Design new business & operation process.
3)Produce owned media for retail commerce company
Create the marketing strategy.
Enhance e-mail marketing & operation.
Analyze the access data and find the problem of the website.


Sun, 2nd Nov

[PP4] The Human Resources Required in the "Age of Working With AI"


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