adtech tokyo

October 17th-18th,
2017 @ Tokyo International Forum
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2017/10/17 [16:20 - 17:10]

One Day PASS(10/17) Full Conference PASS VIP PASS

C-5 How will our consumption behavior change in 2030?

With the progress of digital devices, customers have become able to get what they want and what they want at any time, and the relationship between consumers and companies has changed dramatically. Also, with the emergence of new technologies such as AI and drone, industries are changing drastically, and further growth of companies is not on the extension line of successful experiences so far. Amid such changes in the environment, companies are demanding customer-centric management based on even greater consumer understanding. In this session, we will discuss about “three distinctive types of consumption behavior in 2030 and the future consumer behavior type”, which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Revitalization of Consumer Economy Market Based on Consumer Understanding" Study Group (Consumption Intelligence Research Group) announced. Text by Fujiyo Ishiguro
