- naoya takemoto 初
- Intelligence, Ltd.
- Marketing Planning Department Media Produce Division Strategic Analytics Group Manager
Joined Intelligence, Ltd. as a new graduate in 2009. After assigned to USEN, Inc. for a year, he was assigned as an account executive for "an", a recruiting media for part-time job. From July 2013, in Marketing Planning Department, he handled cross sectoral (Advertisement, SEO, Content) data reporting, and simulation forecast of "an" . From last year he leads marketing data base development project by consolidating mutual data source, and analysis platform development by using BI tool "tableau". Now the Phase 1 of the project has completed. In Phase 2 the project aims to consolidate the open data issued by civil services and deploy its tool to account executive assistants. In phase 3, it aims to be a BI tool accessible with a tablet device, and account executives can use it in an actual business meeting.