2016/9/20 [12:40 - 13:30]
B-1 What is the required human resources for advertising agency today?
Now that digital is nothing but essential in marketing, the advertisement companies are prompted to change their business models.
They need to deal with such issues as the integration between mass and net media communications, the rise of data-based marketing with full of technologies, and the business globalization.
From the various perspective, We would like to focus on finding out the ideal personnel that advertisement companies want, in terms of knowledge, skills and mindset.
Written by 谷本秀吉 Hideyoshi Tanimoto
- Tanimoto Hideyoshi Moderator 初
- GMO NIKKO inc.
- Executive Director
- Leo Koichi Kato Speaker 6
- Ureru Net Advertising Inc.
- President & CEO
- Masaru Koshiba Speaker 初
- Hakuhodo DY digital Inc.
- Planning Development Group Group leader
- Yuichi Masuko Speaker 2
- Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
- Senior Vice president