Born in Shibuya, Tokyo, Mr. Ohmori entered Yokogawa Electric Works, Ltd. (current Yokogawa Electric Corporation) after graduated from University. Upon entering the Company, Mr. Ohmori became deeply involved as a marketer in the global promotion of new products of test and measurement business. After going on to serve as head of several departments, including Product Marketing Department, Sales Division in Test and Measurement Headquarters, he was appointed General Manager of Industrial Automation Marketing Division, and has a responsibility to strengthen Yokogawa global website and digital communication strategy. As branding strengthening of typical BtoB website, he has taken advantage of drastic innovations, such as improvement of the navigation design at the user point of view, redesign for usability improvement, strengthening of global governance, reinforcement of site analysis, enhancement of video marketing promotion, various types of engine and tool update related marketing through the cross-functional projects.
[C-3] Generate Data : Online + Offline Join Forces for Customized Digital marketing