- Yuichi Arizono
ATARA, LLC COO. Yuichi joined ATARA in 2010 and is responsible for providing web marketing consulting to advertisers. Yuichi has co-authored three books on Ad Technology (http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4798136557/), Attribution Management (http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4844331841/) and Paid Search (http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4048703609/). Prior to joining ATARA, Yuichi worked for Overture(2004-2007) where he was responsible for account management to advertisers. Yuichi hypothesized that the causes of keyword searches were triggered by user contacts to mass advertisement, and conducted research projects to validate the correlation. As a result, he formulated "Go-to- Web" advertising techniques that directed advertising viewers to go to the website. At Google Inc., (2007-2009), Yuichi held the management position in Sales Strategy and Planning Team where he was primarily involved in planning and implementation of marketing strategies to advertisers and ad agencies. Also, he conducted research project to investigate the ad effectiveness of YouTube video ads.